What are the Benefits of BIS Registration for Manufacturing Units in India?

 BIS Registration provides numerous benefits to the manufacturer. Through regular research and development, Aleph India offers exclusive BIS Consultants who help manufacturers to achieve BIS registration for manufacturing units. BIS Registration is very important for the manufacturers as it involves the following benefits which are given below :

1. It ensures quality standards: For all manufacturers BIS adopts a different approach for the implementation of quality compliances. Under the BIS registration there are certain bounds to follow a standard for the manufacturing of the goods.

2. It helps to impart authenticity to a product: No quality products certification may go out of sale overnight but the customer’s trust is very important. Uncertified products have poor performance and might have health risks.

3. It minimizes the health Risks: BIS has taken various measures in the direction to minimize the health risks and it implements a proper protocol for producing such items to eliminate environmental risk.

4. Lab testing for quality inspection: As BIS works on the standardization of quality; it has developed art labs in different parts of the country. These labs are mainly built to test different products for quality.

Hence, these are the benefits of BIS Registration for manufacturing units in India. Nowadays, many manufacturers also apply for a BIS Certificate Online.


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